Who we are:
The West Harlem Progressive Democratic Club is a diverse, welcoming Democratic Club in the 70th Assembly District Part D (West Harlem). We are committed to building a transparent, accountable, and progressive political community in Morningside Heights, Manhattanville, and Hamilton Heights through organizing and collective action.
What we stand for:
We are committed to progressive values and ensuring the public policy and government work to protect the most vulnerable in society and preserve the basic rights of all people to live in dignity. We are pro-immigrant, pro-LGBTQ, pro-tenant, pro-communities of color, pro-environment, and pro-low income people.
What we do:
We work diligently to make sure that our elected officials are working on our behalf to build a more just society that accords with our values. We interview candidates for endorsement, collect petition signatures to get candidates on the ballot, campaign door-to-door and at subway stops, and staff get-out-the-vote and poll watching efforts on election day.
We engage and educate our neighbors to participate and strengthen our community and our democracy. We go door-to-door and out on the street registering folks to vote, informing them about upcoming elections, and rallying them to lobby our lawmakers to address issues in our community.
We lobby our elected officials to fix specific problems in the community, be it a potholed road, a senior center needing funding, or legislation to be passed in Albany or City Hall.
We are dedicated to activism around the issues we care about, and we will march, petition, and rally to fight climate change, protect a woman’s right to choose, and stand with marginalized communities against oppression.
How to join us:
Come to our meetings!
You can like us on Facebook at or Instagram
You can join our mailing list Here
If you would like to become a member of the West Harlem Democratic Club to be eligible to vote on our Annual Club Platform, on Club endorsements, and in Club elections, please complete the registration form on the "Become a Member" page . You can also register and pay dues in person at any meetings.
We hope to see you in the fight for progressive action!